Saturday, October 4, 2008

All Due Respect

Buddha - with Hair
Our friend, Volodya, was here on Sunday for supper on his way home from somewhere. He brought me a 30 cm good luck statue of Buddha, replete with all the usual Chinese lucky tokens for money, family, health etc. all explained on a note glued to the base. The note also said if you rub Buddha's tummy, your wish will be granted. Tanya now rubs my tummy and says, "I wish my husband would work harder".

But not Much
Tanya fixes my hair before I am allowed out in public. I cannot do "European hair", all pouffy and partless. So she approaches me with two hands full of Allaflex styling foam and says "SIT!" She learned that from watching Bronwyn with Montel. Woof, woof!! She says my hair is getting thin. I said, "Well, I could grow my eyebrows long and comb them over my head". "Yes, and your nose hairs, too".

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